The Hermit And Us - Our Adirondack Adventures with Noah John Rondeau
People who already define their bliss as the moment when they cross over the “Blue Line” into the Adirondack Park will find The Adirondack Hermit and Us a most satisfactory reading...
People who already define their bliss as the moment when they cross over the “Blue Line” into the Adirondack Park will find The Adirondack Hermit and Us a most satisfactory reading experience while they are waiting—or while they are enjoying—their next outing. Those who have never viewed the splendid mountains, fished the cold waters, or rambled along a balsam-scented trail may very well develop a yearning to do so. The Adirondack Hermit and Us includes reminiscences by many old-time friends of Noah John Rondeau the author interviewed. The book is richly enhanced with photos, many never published until now.